Think before you Tweet


Melanie Villasin and Lexi Perez

Social media is a ubiquitous element in the lives of all teenagers. The idea of everything posted onto the Internet lasting forever is a daunting thought, and there are consequences people should consider when sending a Snap, posting on Instagram or Tweeting a thought.

In hopes of informing the student body about responsible social media use, Activities Director Diana Neustadt, ASB Vice-President Peyton Smith and Sophomore Class President Kailia Utley attended #Digital4Good on Sept, 17. The event is held at the Twitter HQ in San Francisco and unites student leaders and social media experts to celebrate and promote positive leadership online.

“Remember, everything that you post is a reflection of you,” Neustadt said. “That reflection should be a positive one. And, if you post something, you should stand behind what you say.”

Recently, many celebrities have come under fire for potentially insensitive posts from their past resurfacing. These reemerging social media posts have caused some to lose their online following or even put careers in jeopardy. This is a good reminder to students to be careful about what they post on an everlasting forum.

Kathleen Immel, dean of students, advises that students should be cautious of their widespread audience when posting on the Internet.

“You shouldn’t put anything on social media that you wouldn’t want your grandmother to read,” Immel said.

The constant reminders can feel redundant and unnecessary, but instances similar to those of James Gunn, director of Guardians of the Galaxy, and most recently, Laura Lee, YouTube creator, make the message even more significant and imperative to tell. It is never bad to have a reminder about the precautions necessary when dealing with the Internet.

It is as common for regular people in society to hurt their careers as a result of damaging social media posts as it is to those in the Hollywood spotlight.

According to The New York Times, “The consequences for offensive comments now come quickly in Hollywood, which has become hypersensitive to offensive behavior. And slaps on the wrist and apologies no longer suffice.”

As a senior looking to play Division I Track and Field in college, Sophia Chiaramonte encourages fellow classmates to always keep in mind the content of their posts and possible repercussions in the future. With colleges constantly looking into Chiaramonte to recruit her, she said it is crucial that her presence on social media is only positive and favorable.

“Be careful about what [you] post and for it to always be appropriate as it could hurt [your] future,” she said.

The Internet should not be viewed as a terrible place because it can truly transform people’s lives for the better, but just as quickly as success can surmount, the opposite can result just as quickly if used in a foolish manner.

“Be safe with social media and it could only benefit you,” Chiaramonte said.