Grandparent’s Day:
On Thursday, Mar. 20, Mater Dei hosted its third and final Grandparent’s Day for the 2024-2025 school year. This is an event in which Monarch students guide their relatives around campus. The grandparents were given a tour of the school, had the opportunity to visit their student’s classes, attend Mass, and ultimately see a glimpse of a Monarch’s daily schedule. Thank you to all of the grandparents who attended!
Spring Rally:
On Friday, Mar. 21, Mater Dei will hold its annual Spring Rally. The event will allow students to participate in mini games and acknowledge their fellow student-athletes. The class schedule will be modified into 60 minute classes to account for the Rally. Monarchs, be ready to show your MD Spirit!
Shadow Day:
Friday, Mar. 21, will also be a Shadow Day. Some Monarchs will be paired with prospective students who will have the chance to experience a day-in-the-life as a Monarch. These students will even observe the Spring Rally! Please welcome these future monarchs during their Shadow Day!