Americans are given many constitutional rights that allow them to be involved in government and exercise their own forms of representation, one of the most prevalent being the ability to vote in elections. Many students, especially seniors, are coming of age to vote in the next presidential election on November 5, 2024 with about eight million members of Generation Z in the US aging into the electorate process for the first time. While many students express interest in voting, many are left wondering about the process they must take to vote as new adults.
The first question many students may have is “Why should I vote?” Utilizing your vote in the upcoming elections allows you to be part of the process to decide who oversees our country. Your voice is able to be heard, allowing you to assist in deciding on important issues for the future of the nation. This is the core of democracy and allows you to help it grow stronger. Though it appears insignificant, even one vote can affect the outcome of an election so it is crucial for young voters to go out there and voice their opinion. Jesse J. Holland, Associate Director of George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs, articulates to Spectrum News the importance of young voters and the impact they can have.
”America’s young voters have the chance to be a ‘massive force’ in November,” Holland said. “I believe that recent polls have shown that voters aged 18 to 34 could be over 40 million potential voters in fall’s election, that’s about one-fifth of the American electorate.”
Holland’s statistics show potential young voters that they have a major impact on this election. Now the next question that may linger in the minds of many young voters is: how do I vote? There are many steps to vote in the next election in California, including research, registration, mailing, and the actual voting itself.

Research is an essential part of the voting process. Many voters may be uneducated or unsure over the political process in which our country depends upon. Doing a few Google searches on current polling, candidates, and policies can benefit first time voters as they can have a more informed mindset when voting. With having little to no experience, research needs to be done so that you can best pick the right candidate that best suits your interests and those of the country as a whole.
Registering to vote is the first official step to becoming a voter in America. There are many things to do in order for someone to start voting when election time comes around. Students can actually start to pre-register as early as 16-17 years old. To get information and to register in the state of California, voters can navigate to There, you will also find your local polling place, and what to expect on the actual election day. This website can also help double check if you are registered to vote. New voters have to make sure to register by Oct. 21, 2024 in order to vote in the current presidential election in November.
As time has progressed, it has become easier for people to vote even without leaving their home with options such as mail-in ballots. Ballot drop off locations open on Oct. 8, 2024. The vote by mail ballots can be returned by mail, at a drop off location, or at your local county elections office. Vote by mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by Nov. 12, 2024 for your vote to be counted. This is a beneficial way for students with little time or adults who work from home.
If you choose to vote in person, voting day falls on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. In California, you can go to your local polling place from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. You must bring your unused vote by mail ballot and exchange it for an in person ballot. Voting in person is another great option if you have time to visit your local polling place and be a part of the political process in your country.
Students are encouraged to vote if they are eligible when election time rolls around this fall. There are more resources such as an accessible government website that have become publicly available to make it easier for people to vote. The use of both in person and at home voting encourages more people to vote for the first time. As newer generations navigate the voting process, it is crucial for these new voters to be informed as election time rolls around.
Avianna • Oct 7, 2024 at 11:17 am
Great piece covering a national – and generally sensitive- topic ! Beautifully written.
Avianna • Oct 7, 2024 at 11:16 am
Amazing job covering a national – and generally sensitive- topic ! Beautifully written.